Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Day Two. Some snackage, and dinner.

This post will be short, and sweet.

Midway through the day, after our delicious turkey patty lunch that I decided to serve with steamed yellow squash... My little munchkin insisted that he was hungry for a snack. So, I sliced some strawberries, and half a banana.

Strawberries and bananas are bffs. This is known.
And decided to split it with him. Sort of.

He's kind of awful when it comes to sharing.
For dinner, we had Baked Mustard and Lime Chicken. It turned out like this...

Nomilicious, or something.
It was awesome. I'll admit, the lime taste is extremely strong, but I'm very sensitive to acidity, and Brian said that it was delicious (he isn't afraid to tell me when things suck: my tarragon coconut chicken, for example, but that's a story for another day, or never). I whipped up the asparagus in the skillet with some minced garlic, minced onions, garlic powder, and a dash of salt, and pepper. They were delicious, as well. I sense a trend here.

That brought day two to a close. No complaints other than headaches, but I know it has everything to do with the sugar withdrawal. When I finally gave in, and took an Aleve, all was well. Actually, I'm feeling pretty super. Confident, even. I can do this.

That's my confident face.
So, that's it for now! Until tomorrow!

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