Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Day One.

Let's start with the obvious: Breakfast. This household is already a fan of the fritatta. I discovered them a week or so ago when I first thought about starting this program. I like to think I have them perfected. They are SO simple, and so much better than omelettes, and so much easier, and just as customizable, and and and... 

All you do is saute some veggies. Today I chose spinach, mushroom, red bell pepper, onion, yellow squash, and calabaza squash.

These veggies love each other.
Then toss them in with some eggs, freshly beaten. Then cook all the deliciousness as if it were an omelette, except... when it starts to cook on the bottom, sides, and these little bubbles start to form... Pop it in the oven, with the broiler setting on to finish.

It's like the eggs are having a party.
It comes out amazing every time, and oh-so-delicious.

For lunch I made us chicken salad wraps with the coconut wraps I prepared yesterday. This was very simple, minus the homemade mayo which I thought would be simple, but for me, wasn't at all. It took me three tries before I finally got the taste right. But oh, I must admit, it was worth it.

You're too pretty to be such a pain in the butt.
 I went very basic on the chicken salad. Celery, green onion, salt, pepper, some paprika, some white onion, and, of course, the hard-won mayonaise.

 These are Brian's wraps. Delicious. Have I used that word too much already? I decided to just have the chicken salad by itself with only half a wrap to sort of dip it in every now and again. I was feeling full from breakfast still. All and all, lunch was a success.

Like little chicken salad tacos.
We did some shopping today, and bought my son some cute new outfits, and moccasin shoes. Then, we went to the park.

This is happiness, by the way.
Finally, dinner. I popped a pork roast in the slow cooker, and had it going all day. Then, I followed this recipe here. It was very, very easy. Just some tomatoes, olives, chard, and onion tossed in with the roast. Yum! It was our first time trying chard. Brian described it as "like spinach, but with a stronger taste." I honestly didn't notice much flavor from it, but I was sort of lost in a melt-in-your-mouth-roast heaven.

Olives, how I love thee.
 Day one complaints?

I want a cupcake. I've been calling them "phantom cupcake pains" in my belly. Other than that, I haven't been any hungrier than normal. My head's been fine. Nothing crazy! Today was a definite success.


Complaint number two? We're really going to need to get more eggs.

A lot more eggs.
